Tuesday, January 19, 2010


I woke up this morning just like any other day. Had to rush to office little early since I was to conduct a test for my subordinate staff. The test was obviously a way for them to earn a promotion and their classification pay.. Ahh, who would mind earning a little more....On my way to office, I recoiled on my own career. How I reached where I am today, what all tests, exams I had to clear to earn the rank which I adorns today.. It made me think and think more...

Why should there be a need to divide up,classify and neatly package every new thing, every new acquaintance? Why cant we see everything in their basic essence..Why should we put degree of separation between things. Why should we judge humans at all and award them some kind of classification. Why does the thought of judging a person evolves in the first place, to test a personality, status in society, and many such qualities..??

For me to try to classify something so complex as an individual human being merely demonstrate my own shallowness. The good old theory " Survival of the fittest" comes into play. A judgment of another person is an abstraction that adds qualities that are not there and leaves out what is unique about him. It forces a person to put on a veil. Forces him to drift away from his own essence and makes him another breathing machine.. If I classify someone, I turn him into a thing. The only way for me to contact this other person is to experience him, not think about him.

how do I experience this "Other person"? How do I experience true essence of a person? How do I make a difference between two individuals? Have I evolved something of my own to judge or I am simply following parameters which have been enforced on my psyche since the very beginning. How do I come out of this perplexing situation..??

1 comment:

  1. Hi Anil!

    Understand your points of view and predicament regarding this. There is no real measure to qualify a person for promotion. I see some of the people in armed forces who have gone through the tough SSB and yet can't sustain the tough training itself. So then why this selection process? there is just one reason for it for promotions. The hierarchical pyramid cant take everyone through to the top. there is place only for few. Dont know exactly what is the syllabus for promtoions in armed forces. But yes many of them do leave it so severely disillusioned after the people who were not doing as well as them get ahead.

    So much for now. Will return back with more thoughts.
